WordPress for Churches

Websites are now not only being used for big corporations or governments. Now they are being used in all sorts of niches – and businesses are thriving by focusing on specific niches. Take for example churches. Most local churches have signed in to the digital wave by creating websites.

Just like other community based websites, church websites aim to encourage a sense of belonging and community. Church websites also exist to extend this sense of community by promoting events and encouraging visitors.

Unfortunately not every church has the expertise to build their own website. That’s where WP for Church comes in. WP for Church offers a range of WordPress themes and plugins designed specifically for churches.

WordPress Church Themes

Churches unsure where to start should check out the themes offered. Themes offered are minimalistic or modern with a range of customisation options to suit a churches individual needs.

Theme 1

Theme 2

Sermon Plugin

One of the greatest services a church offers is their sermons. A sermons plugin enables the websites admins to upload the services preached and attach to them a speaker, topic, bible verse and more.

Also just as users on a WordPress website can see recent posts, the sermon plugin also allows visitors to listen to recent sermons. If a visitor finds a sermon they paricuarly like, they can download an mp3 of the file. Two churches in Hamilton that are using this plugin are Grace Evangelical and Eastside Church.


Even though a niche such as a church may be uncertain of going digital they need not fear. With all the WordPress themes and plugins available, it’s likely there will be one for their niche and level of expertise.

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